Glycolic Peel 70% pH 1.6


8 in stock

SKU: DGP005 Category:


Ingredients: Glycolic acid, water, hydrogenated castor oil, sodium hydroxide.

Purpose: Glycolic acid has the shortest Malekula and contains only two carbon atoms, thanks to the fact penetrates deeply into the layers of the skin and causes exfoliation, has antioxidant and moisturizing effect. Glycolic acid is the most interesting for use in programs ANTI-AGE treatment. At penetration into the deeper layers of the skin, and it is able to stimulate the main cells of the dermis – fibroblasts, which are responsible for the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

  1. Application
    • Problem skin (enlarged pores, black points – acne, acne, oily skin)
    • Fading skin (ageing);
    • Photoageing (skin thickening from the long exposure to the sun);
    • Unwanted pigmentation (including freckles);
    • The effects of acne (spots, bulges and pits on the skin);
    • Treatment and prevention of contagiosum molluscum;
    • Aesthetic correction of skin defects (wrinkles, etc.).

  2. Contraindications

    • Herpes in active stage;
    • Violation of the skin integument;
    • Recently completed or existing course of chemotherapy are allergic to any component of the drug;
    • Fresh tan;
    • Pregnancy and lactation.

  3. Minutes of the Procedure

    On clean skin, apply a layer of 1.5 mm of 1-2 ml peeling with a brush. The time exposure of the chemical composition is of 5-7 minutes. Neutralization!!! Apply converter with a brush. Leave for 3-5 minutes and then rinse with plenty of cool water. Close with protective cream with SPF factor.

    For the best results, glycolic peel is usually recommended to spend 3 to 6 treatments at intervals of 14-16 days.

    Frequency of the treatment can vary based on the individual features of patient and skin type. The result is stored for one year after the complex dairy peelings (provided with to subsequent competent home or salon preventive care).

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